Tuesday 28 January 2014

Letter of the Week - Letter A

letter of the week

I'm learning so much from Ladybug.  She's so different to her older brother and while he rather play with toys and do anything but 'work', Ladybug demands 'work' and completed most of it first thing in the morning, sometimes before I even make breakfast. 

As she has shown signs that she is ready - and pretty much demands it, I've started her on Confessions of a Homeschooler's Letter of the Week curriculum and she's loving it.

Her penmanship has improved, she's getting more confident using scissors, and she's starting to recognise numerals, even if she doesn't remember the actual letters after the week is up.

When I did LOTW with Rocket Boy, we completed it in the order set out in Handwriting Without Tear Get Set for School book, but as Ladybug is rather young and I'm not expecting her to be able to write the letters once finished so we're going in alphabetical order.

Ladybug was very excited to start with A week as her real name starts with A. She can already write uppercase A, and is very proud of that. 

Here are a few photos I managed to take during the week, we completed many more activities but I try not to have a camera in my hands all the time, and to spend as much time as I can just focusing on Ladybug and what she's doing. 

Ladybug LOVES colouring, and is getting so much better and block colouring, and staying within the lines - this isn't anything I've focused on with her, maybe something she's worked on at Montessori, or just something she's learnt herself over time. 



I cut the apples into strips, so Ladybug just had to cut between then then glue them onto the tree.


I have to watch Ladybug carefully when I get the Do a Dots out, as she has a habit of painting herself, instead of the paper. 


Using a large needle, Ladybug pokes holes thru the paper following the letter outline, this is great for find motor control and awesome pencil grip on the needle. 


When I set out this activity I had pictured Ladybug lacing each card separately, there was an upper case A, lower case a and an apple.  Instead she had lots of fun threading them together, hanging it on her bed for the rest of the day. 


Ladybug raced through all her work, so I had to find some more printables for her, especially involving colouring.  I found more at Totally Tots 



This is Ladybugs scrap book which we're going to but together each week with our letter crafts.  


The plan for the letter a craft was to look like an apple with seeds in the middle, and a stem and leaf, the idea is from Totally Tots letter a craft.  While I kinda secretly would love a perfectly completed craft, I rather let Ladybug have fun and do it how she wants.


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