Thursday 30 January 2014

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Every night, after Ladybug and Rocket Boy have showered (or bathed) are in their pajamas and snuggled up in bed, their Daddy reads them a couple of chapters from a book. 

A week ago they finished reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, I asked Rocket Boy what happened in the book. 

"Dorothy gets, inside her house gets picked up by a cyclone and she gets transported to the land of Oz.  Then Dorothy meets the good witch and kills the bad witch and then she meets the munchkins who live in the munchkins land.  She travels on the yellow brick road and meets scarecrow, lion and the tin woodsman.  They go off to the emerald city where the great wizard of oz is, then they have to kill the wicked witch of the west. 
With water they melted the wicked witch of the west. 
The wizard of Oz went up in the balloon without Dorothy,  Dorothy really really really really wanted to go up in the balloon. 
The guard with the green whiskers told Dorothy and her friends to go to the country of the quadlings, that's when Dorothy used her sliver slippers to teleport back to Kansas after the good witch told her. That was the most powerful witch of all. 
That's all, that's the end of the story. "

I also asked Ladybug and she said
"I liked Dorothy and she had a dog"

We also had a couple of days of themed work which the kids really enjoyed.  We used the Wizard of Oz Preschool Pack from Homeschool Creations 

I got Rocket Boy to cut up this picture of the Tin Woodsman then glue it in order on some plain paper.


Rocket Boy wrote the names of each character, with a little help with spelling. 


Rocket Boy read a short story and then had the find and circle each word on the second sheet. 


Ladybug had to circle the odd one out, she needed help with this one, our printer is very low on ink so some of the differences were hard to spot.


Ladybug rolled dice and graphed the results.  She LOVED this activity and completed it twice, once with the Do a Dots, and again with stickers.


Ladybug is great at tracing, years ahead of her brother at the same age. 



Rocket Boy had to cut out the characters and glue them on the sheet in a pattern that he choose. 



Rocket Boy had to draw a line from the picture to the name. 


Both Ladybug and Rocket Boy had a go at this puzzle, both needed help.  Photo by Ladybug.


I'm new to using these cards, I've always skipped printing these when doing packs with Rocket Boy when he was younger.  I still don't know the 'correct' way to use these, but used them as a talking point with Ladybug and matching the pictures and words.


Ladybug LOVES colouring so I was printing more and more pages for her throughout the day. 



Rocket Boy had to put the correct fractions in Glenda the Good witches wand to complete the pictures. 


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