Wednesday 6 November 2013

Tuataras Daily Log

Tuatara by Simon Willison, on Flickr

Well mummy woke with grumpy pants on, so after we had breakfast and done all our morning jobs, we went to a walk to post some letters and buy some more bananas.

Tuatara was eager to see what had happened to the water beads overnight. We observed that some colours didn't seem to absorb the water as well as others.

Tuatara wanted to know where the water went and if you squashed one would the water come back out. So she squashed one and it was just gel type stuff inside. I said it looked a bit like the gel stuff inside a disposable nappy after it has absorbed the urine.

Tuatara then figured out which descriptions matched which system of the human body and glued it to our diagram. I'm hoping to extend on this a little further by talking about the five sense and which system of the body they are connected to and how. Maybe do some experiments to do with the five senses too.

Tuatara did her first day of not seeing her spelling list while doing the spelling city activities to practice her words.

Then she started her egg experiment. Making a bouncy egg after the egg shell has dissolved in vinegar. Tuatara took a couple of photos. Now we have to wait 7 days.

Tuatara also practiced her handwriting with writing out a poem to do with the human body. She chose one to do with the heart.

Maths work book she did 4 pages on subtraction using a timeline, estimation and division as in sharing.
She also did 2 pages in her English book on nouns and pronouns.

I have noticed her handwriting is getting better and Tuatara is taking the time to choose how big or small she needs to write to fit the information into a given space.

So proud of our little girl.

Oh people in the area keep asking Tuatara what school she goes too. I can't help but wonder, given all the different nationalities, whether that is why they struggle with the concept of home schooling. Some shop keepers have seen us a couple of times and keep asking the same question.

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