Monday 15 April 2013

Meal Plan Monday 15th April - 21st April

Last week didn’t go quite to plan but I did make 5 out of the 7 meals planned even if they were on different nights.  But that’s the beauty of meal planning, everything is there ready for the meals so you can cook them when it suits you.  Just because you said you were going to have it on Tuesday doesn’t mean you actually have to have it on Tuesday.
I was actually surprised at what the kids ate, while they may not have finished everything, they did try some foods I would never have expected.

Please keep in mind that I’m not a photographer!!  

The Oregano Chicken Schnitzel and steamed vegetables was changed to Chicken fingers with chips and spinach but I did manage to use almost all the ingredients planned for the original meal
We also had grilled fish with home made teriyaki sauce and sautéed vegetables.  This is not the kind of food I eat never mind the kids and I LOVED it.  The kids even ate the fish which might have been the first fish they ever ate happily that wasn’t deep fried.  This dish is going to go on my regular list.
I’m having trouble coming up with a plan for this coming week as hubby is away for work from Tuesday and not returning until Friday so with just me and the kids I’m going to go for convenience as much as possible and that may mean take aways.
But I did get mince out today to make meat balls which didn’t happen so I will have to cook it tomorrow which means that’s one day planned.  The kids have asked for home made pizza and chicken nuggets so that’s another two.  So here goes…
 Monday – Butter chicken (this was a frozen meal from the supermarket)
Tuesday – Meatballs in a tomato and vegetable sauce with either pasta or garlic bread.
Wednesday – Take aways
Thursday – Home made pizza
Friday – Chicken nuggets and chips (will add a salad but I’m the only one that will eat it)
Saturday – Roast Chicken, vegetables, and chocolate fudge pudding (our friend is visiting so it’ll be nice to make a large meal that will actually be eaten, as this is not a meal the kids like)
Sunday – Chicken and home made pasta (using any left other chicken from the roast)
I also need some ideas for fruit based desserts, as Ladybugs dietician thinks that introducing new fruits to her this way might have more success that fresh fruit.  Ladybug currently only eats bananas, but will suck on oranges and apples.
So far we’ve tried fruit sponges, pineapple upside down cake, fruit crumbles, sticky date pudding, fruit in jelly, icecream or custard with tinned fruits, and she has turned her nose up at all.  If you have any other ideas please let me know in the comments.


  1. I LOVE a good roast chicken :) hope yours goes well.
    Have you tried fruit in a smoothie? At my grocery store they have little smoothies and baby food in fun little packages. My son really likes peaches and cream he also likes the pears. Have you tried letting her be more involved in the shopping & making of her food? I've heard that helps.I'm currently loosing the battle over fish - so I hear you. It's tough. Hope you find something she likes!

    By the way - LOVE your photo with this post. It's very pretty.

  2. oh yay a comment!! and from someone I don't know in person :)
    I haven't tried smoothies, this I need to do, thanks.

    She's very involved in all steps of food prep. Growning, shopping, cooking, planning. At the end of the day her eating issues arn't going to be solved over night but she is taking little steps in the right direction.
