Thursday 10 October 2013

Calendar Time

We've tried impending calendar time to our homeschooled day many many times before.  We keep it up for a few weeks and then something happens. We skip a day here and there and next thing you know we're no longer spending any time on the calendar and Rocket Boy is asking me what day it is.

This time I really hope to follow through and keep this going all month, and then maybe even the rest of the year.  It is in my kids best interest to spend even just 2 mins a day on this subject.

There are so many resources online which you can download for free, all you have to do is print them out.  We've even laminated some pages so we can reuse them easily 


Interactive calenders like the one above are great.  Both Rocket Boy and Ladybug love to use this, and I struggle with making them take turns as they both want to do it every day.  Right now I try to let Ladybug do the weather, and Rocket Boy the date. 


Rocket Boy is expected to complete this form each day, with my help.  It covers the date, writing the numbers in numerals as well as words, telling the time and one simple addition problem.


On this form Rocket Boy traces the number and then colours in the square following a pattern.  This month I set the pattern of blue, red then yellow, but next month assuming we're still using this form, I'll get Rocket Boy to start a pattern.


I couldn't leave Ladybug out, so I laminated a page for each day.  I was very surprised at how well she traced the letters as well as writing the number 10.  She's never done any tracing before with me, but she does attend a Montessori preschool 3 days a week, and while I'm not aware of her doing any prewriting work there, many activities there involve writing skills.

Below are some links to free printables.

Motherhood on a dime

1 + 1 + 1 = 1

Mama Jenn

Confessions of a Homeschooler

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