Sunday 20 October 2013

It's Science!!

Last Christmas Rocket Boy was given a book from his Aunty, I keep meaning to use this with him, but life gets away from you sometimes and you put the book on the shelf and forget about it.  We had to move the book shelves when we were re-organizing and I found this book again.  After showing Rocket Boy we had to start right on it so on to the first experiment.

Bubbling wizard's brew.

You'll need: a clean glass jar, white vinegar, food colouring, glitter (we didn't have any), dish washing liquid and baking soda.

I choose to do this on the door way to our backyard.  I had Jellybean with me playing on the floor inside and Ladybug, and Rocket Boy were outside with the tray in case of a mess i could have closed the door and just used the hose to clean up.


Half fill a glass with the vinegar


Add a good squeeze of dish washing liquid to the jar


Add several drops of food colouring and sprinkle in a little glitter if you have it on top of the vinegar then with a spoon give it a gentle stir.


Ensure the jar is somewhere you're happy for the contents to overflow before the next step.
Add a heaped teaspoon of the baking soda.


Then watch




The foam that pours out of the jar is formed by a chemical reaction.  When the vinegar and baking soda mix, they make lots of tiny bubbles of gas.  The bubbles churn up the dish washing liquid, making lots of foam. 

Later on we expanded on this experiment using different kinds of vinegar's, and liquids we found in the house as well as different powders such as baking powder, cocoa, and flour to see what reactions they had. 

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